The One Thing You Should Know About Customer Acquisition.

Hossein Rezaei
3 min readApr 25, 2021

Hi everyone, this is Hossein Rezaei and I’m the founder of WingZ Business Barter. Here I want to share with you my personal experience as an entrepreneur.

While customer acquisition is the lifeblood of every business, it can be the most challenging part of it. It is prevalent for entrepreneurs to get lost in the novelty of their ideas and totally forget about the fact that not everyone thinks like them. No matter how genius your ideas are, at the end of the day, your target market will decide whether your business can live or not!

When I started my business, I already had work experience as a marketing manager, which means I was familiar with the challenges that one has to face to gain a customer. I had successfully implemented digital marketing tools and designed numerous marketing campaigns. But when I started my own business and tried to find people who are willing to pay me for that, helped me deepen my understanding of customer behaviors and here I want to share how I earned my first customer.

First of all, I need to clarify that there is no silver bullet or a straight and simple path to gaining customers, every business is unique in its own way and what works best for others may not work the same for you. In addition, the most important thing that you should keep in mind is that people buy from you because of the values that you bring them not because of the tools that you use to earn customers. Basically, you are selling values, not products, services, or even ads. So if you cannot see the value that you are creating then no one is willing to buy from you.

Prior to launching WingZ Business Barter, I validated my idea by personally visiting my target market and made sure that there are people who would pay me. But I knew that I should go even further because not everyone who shows interest in your work is willing to buy from you. So, I created an MVP that delivered the main functionalities for my startup and started building a community, and expanded my connections. As I moved forward, I improved my work and added features.

One of the common mistakes that entrepreneurs make, is that they focus on the tools rather than the purpose of their business. Creating tools can be helpful but they are usually costly and possibly dangerous, if you can run your business without a mobile application, then you should focus on the values that you are delivering and ways that you can improve them rather than wasting your budget for app development, this is a tool to help you enhance your business, not a solution.

Your customers want to know that how you can make their lives easier, and that's all they want to know! Once you can convince them that you are adding value, your life will be much easier. Making sure that you have this element in your business can help you define your customers easily and reach out to them at a lower cost.

The key to acquiring customers is to find the core value that you are delivering in your business and shouting it loud to your audience. Once you are able to distinguish tools from values, you can set your strategies for investing in values rather than the tools, and that is what I believe to be the most important part of any business.

